Site icon Kristine Backes

Feeling wild

On the eve of the Sagittarius Full Moon, I spent a day in the wilds of Yellowstone Park with a friend, feeling freedom both within and without, taking in the wild creatures going about their lives even as people sent them massive amounts of love via attention. Black bear, grizzly, elk, deer, and lots of bison. Wolves and their pups courtesy of the kindness of strangers with spotting scopes. People spend weeks simply watching and celebrating.

A short walk from a parking lot, the remains of a bison who died on the shore of a lovely little lake, feeding many it would seem by the scattering of bones.

Horizons near and far in the midst of this vast wilderness ringed by mountains, against a backdrop of voices from many parts of the globe coming together in love of beauty and nature and wildness. At least I am hopeful about the love of wildness in an overly tame world.

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